Saturday 13 August 2011

Blue hue interlude

Enjoying, dreaming, drooling and being inspired by Liz Clark's adventures on her Swell voyage. 
This is her pic, of the blue hue that she'll never forget, and it reminds me how I said I'd never forget the difference in the blue of the Mediterranean Sea, to that of the Pacific Ocean. A Brett Whitely kind of blue. How there can be so many shades of navy and equally so many shades of aqua. To contemplate a hue, shade, choice but to look upward towards a creator more mightier than I.

Really looking forward to some thursday arvo sail sessions again, soon as the twilight starts to kick in.

Oh on another note, a couple of days ago, my letter box was the very happy grateful recipient of a postcard from a different shade of blue in the Canary Islands. Yes, real mail, handwritten, no FB, blog post or email, and Im still smiling. Its one 'for the poolroom' as they say, or for in my humble (no poolroom) home, centrefold front fridge space.

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