Thursday, 27 October 2011


aaahh, the end of a long week, off to Vicco for a few days, enjoy your weekend.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Locomotion Commotion

CNN broadcast: Last night a long legged pretty blonde lady tried to escape and divert her attention from young men, by taking her Rav4 skydiving.  Landing on the very edge of a steep cliff she stealthy managed to exit the balancing vehicle Macgyver style, adrenaline kicks in.

Perched between a rock and a hard place, her unsuccessful attempts to cry for help via facebook and telepathic messages, resulted in a rescue mission by an angel disguised as a missing phone, a cab driver delivering a welcomed package, and eventually a tatoo sleeved man in a florescent yellow tshirt with magic chains and flashing neon lights (her favorite as she is a 90s child).

Today she wears her hypercolored tshirt proud that says 'I skydived my Rav4 and survived!', while CNN are still baffled by the incredible live rescue footage, the township of Avoca is proud that she is their resident and are thinking of making her their icon.

Aaaarh, apologies to all the neighbours we woke up when Jess tried to roll her car in our driveway....

Friday, 14 October 2011


Sulphur came to visit again today. We have this little routine he and I. First he flys to my balcony rail, then down to the cane chair then to the day bed, each a step further to the window to let me knows he's arrived for a feed. I get some seed he steps back to his comfort zone to let me set it down safely, I go back inside and quietly watch him. When hes finished it's the same routine as he asks for seconds. I generally oblige, hoping that our little friendship will grow.

Today I ponder if he'll let down his guard, let me in a little closer, if our friendship will deepen a little more.

And it did. This time when he came for seconds I played hard to get. I pretended I hadn't noticed his usual request, all the while leaving the door wide open, and so he got my attention, he walked right in through the backdoor into my living room onto the rug, and eventually up to the kitchen bench, so I got him his seconds. We used to have this one eyed possum that used to let himself inside my childhood home, he became part of the family, snuggling himself into my fathers lap, and eventually winning the affection of our gentle flippant sometimes jealous bulldog Ellimae.

Again, Sulphur, never over staying his welcome, finished his 2nd meal but this time he turned before leaving and belched his thanks and fared me well before he parted. And i remembered a whale who once danced up close before me to my great delight for a long time, at Fraser, who waved one final goodbye before diving under and wasn't to be seen again.

I'm in awe of how we creatures speak different languages live in the air, on the earth, and under the sea, yet connected with one another.

With Sulphur, I delight in the small steps of routine and familiarity. I know it's him and not some other crested one pretending to be him, because he goes to the same places in my heart where he knows he'll get my attention.

All the while I wonder who here is really trying to get my attention and what is it He is trying to tell me.

Sometimes I wonder if he ever visits and finds me not home, is he disappointed. Does he know the joy and childish rapture I receive when he comes to visit, does he also share that same joy. Where did he come from, why single me out, and where does he go.

Thankful for a feathered friend, and what I'm learning from him.

[photo oppotunity minus the mopstick and waterbottle!]

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Watercolour love

So here's some more on the artist's print meets fashion collaborations...
Serena Mitnik Miller has created some prints for QSW.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Sands of Solace

My sister in law and I, have long admired Jim Deneven, not only for his ethereal and ephemeral earth surface art featured over the years in many good mags, but moreso for his big red outstanding bus and farmer dinners that married local seasonal produce to table in the most magical way.

So I was really stoked to see that he recently visited Crescent Head, and teamed up with filmaker, Andrew Kidman and the Tallow girls to promote their new summer 2012 range via short film.

I like what he says about ephemeral art, in that he doesn't feel art should be protected and given an exhalted status, but the way that his sand drawings are destroyed by nature and the elements ruins any idea that it's 'precious' or should be elevated. Even better I like the similarities he draws from this to surfing, dancing, music, and life in general.

Sands of Solace from Tallow Gallery on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Sunday, 2 October 2011

C. galerita

This colorful feathered friend is a cheeky local, who on few occasions, has walked in my backdoor seeking food. Reminds me of an ol friend who used to do the same.
Check out this one's hobbit sized feet.