I literally
JUST crossed the finish line in my first ever city to surf run, when the guy behinds me trips, and takes me out with him. Bastard never even said sorry.
I have this postcard in my room called 5 minutes before and after life changing events. And I think of it now. Yep last nite I painted my fingernails blood orange (which I never do) to match my hot pink nikes, and new roxy skins in preparation for todays 5:45 am alarm, only to find that much later in one moment Im running the last 10 metres of the 14 kilometres, through the finish line with my Mammo Marchers Team of Three, totally pumped, totally inspired, totally looking forward to the reward of beer and food, full of race camaraderie, team bonding, full of yeew and stoke, smiling to the paparazzi of lenses shooting the finish (so you can buy the picture later), and boom Im on the ground stuck under this 6 ft man and his backpack, people are hovering all over peeling him off me and then next thing I know is that 3 ambos are strapping me in and wheeling me away.
Oh ssshit I must have fractured my patella, yep I think Ive fractured my patella, sssht cant even stand up let alone weight bare, oh no Im gonna end up in xray at RPA or St Vincent's, nooo dont take me to hospital I was thinking, I've just earnt my beer, I just wanted my beer, just one! Can you drink beer in a hospital, waiting for an xray? Did I get a medal, didn't get my medal, I hadn't even been given my race medal yet. I just completed fourteen kilometres, and I hadnt even taken three steps over the finish line and now Im being wheeled away. Where is my team, oh my poor team, they're here, but they just wanted their beer too.
Turns out I just ripped a lot of skin off my knee (even under my new roxy skins) think carpet burn on asphalt. So sometime later we discharged myself from the first aid tent with fresh supplies of saline and ice, after all I was in the company of a very good radiographer who has dressed worse off patients (or to the contrary, dressings have often been to other injuries to self in the past 12months, ie staph infected spiderbite, deeply sliced fingers requiring suturing on two, aheymmn separate occasions, yes Im always the clumsy one). oh and the ambos turned out to be St Johns First Aid volleys, and we figured we could do a better job. Team bonding again.
Limped off with said team to fight 85'000 others to get ourselves a corona and sausage sandwich (aka hungry jacks burger), medal hanging proudly around my neck. I heart Bondi.
Yes I did take a picture, sick I know, but it is not here because I swear it does not do it justice, as it still feeeeels like my knee cap is no longer attached to my body.